Kimball Curb Management

Kimball Station Area

Curb & Mobility Study

Recommendations Report Now Available!

Thanks to those who contributed to the Kimball Station Area Curb and Mobility Study! After detailed data gathering, technical analyses, and intensive community engagement, this study identifies 22 recommendations to enhance safety, mobility, accessibility, and more in one of Chicago’s busiest transportation hubs. Read about the 22 recommendations in the report online.

Project Study Area

The Planning Area consists of Kimball Avenue from Ainslie Street to Wilson Avenue and Lawrence Avenue from St. Louis Avenue to Spaulding Avenue.

Project Goals

The goals of the project are to identify policy and design solutions related to the street, curb space, and streetscape that enhance:

What is Curb Side Management?

  • The curb side is the space on the street next to the sidewalk that is most often used by buses, delivery trucks, parked cars, and bike lanes. Other, more recent uses for curb side space include Uber or Lyft, food delivery services, and Divvy stations or scooter parking. 
  • Curb Management seeks to inventory, optimize, allocate, and track the use of curb space to maximize mobility, safety, and access for a wide variety of curb demands.    
  • Managing curb space more deliberately and in-line with the community’s goals may help improve people’s experience traveling through the area, support local businesses, and create a more welcoming public realm. 
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